Minute 90: Rosie’s Cousin

Crack yourself open a cold grape Ne-Hi, sit back, and make like Mulcahy by ignoring Trapper’s rudeness in this minute. Returning guest Chris Callaghan is here to discuss Robert Altman’s favorite part of the movie. We debate the practicality of golf shoes in the O.R. as well as the cast list for The Halls of Montezuma, the entrancing visuals, some subtle (and not so subtle) digs at religion, and the talents of both William Christopher and Rene Auberjonois. Even Socks, the Clinton’s cat, becomes a part of the MASH universe! He joins Arlene Chu in the pantheon of “characters you didn’t even know were in this movie but now we are incredibly invested in their backstory”.

Tierney Callaghan