Minute 59: Earth Two MASH
We just want to make clear that Painless is going to be ok. He is NOT going to commit suicide, he is only intending to, as Hawkeye insists to Father Mulcahy. Poor Father Mulcahy… first he gets talked in circles by Hawkeye, then he looks into the tent to see a very familiar tableau assembling… We’ve assembled a great crew to talk about this minute: Josh Neufeld of Scene by Scene with Josh & Dean is here. He has a simple explanation for why this Hawkeye is so different from the TV show AND one of the best possible MASH origin stories. While 3 nurses play Taps outside, we swap stories of fandom, realize the brilliance of the theme song’s title, and talk about the movie soundtrack. By the way, if anyone wants to buy Tierney that soundtrack, feel free to do so!